Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 9:57 AM
aLohAxX. i really cant stand that attitude of HERS. cant believe she went with her friends on last friday to the spook show rather than us. you always say tht yr mom doesnt allow you to go anywhere. and THIS ? fcuk u mans. you ruined my whole day again. you wasted liping's money you noe. that day you dint went. wad excuse did you give ? some lame shit. liping have to pay you back 4 dollars for lyke NO REASON. damn you ! today, you played basketball with elaine and all again. why cant you throw the basketball over to elaine and sihui 3/4 distance. you forgot our NORMAL PRACTICE for NETBALL huh ? you're shooting right to their stomache alright. its just that elaine and sihui dint tell you. if i was there. i would have scolded till you cried. wtf man. they hurt and you dun giv a fcuking damn until sihui shouted OUCH ! then yu said a sorry. to elaine you dint giv a sorry. you just hecked care abt it. fcuk you mans. then went up to class for chinese lessons. ^^ mr song dint came. hahaha. so glad mans. his lessons are boring and naggy. shity eyes he had. and then comes trouble. alicia was pissed with her. and started scolding her agains. loudly but not into her face. STOP STARING FOR GOODNESS SAKE BIATCH ! im telling you for once and for all. cry cry cry. is that all you can fcuking do ? damn sick with you. the time for you to change is there. cherish it. if not when its too late. dun regret. you want this friendship then put in the effort. you noe how long have we been fcuking controlling ourselves over you ? 2 mths and ard 1 week alrdy. sickening ass. and after all this while, we've telling you times and times but no improvement made. then you stick to yvonne and sihui after that again. again THEY ARE NOT YR SUBSTITUTE. bloody biatch. TMR IF YOU'rE GONNA STICK TO THEM YOU WATCH OUT MANS. cb . then you showed off yr marks for lit. wadever cans. you think you're great huh ? come compare with me then ? eliza and i got first in class. im not saying that im boastful or wadever but look ard. there are many other ppl BETTER THAN YOU OKAY . no use boasting. loser ! you hurt yvonne and you think its cool ? fcuking biatch. forget about that biatch lets continue with today. we went over to alicia's hse for the dance and baking cookies today. our dance was finally really completed. only that the cookies we all made were all SPOILED AND UNCOOKED. poor alicia. she provided everything for us. so sorry alicia honey. we really ought to pay you for the flour and everything. so sorry !! X)). then we all dance lotsa times . hehez. its so completed and beautiful. so happy we got into the audition ! hehez. then we all kept repeatedly dance and luffed together. haha. then i wanted to spar with cheejie. but he was slow. omg ! but compared to the rest in taekwondo. im totally a geek or you can say a NOBODY in it. haha. thats my opinion. ^^ . oh yea. saturday our normal gang except for that biatch went to suntec convention hall for the spook show. its totally cool. we all were lyke wanna take picture with this lady carrying the red umbrella. then sihui was so freaked out after looking at her face. then she ran and the ghost chase after her. HAHA. so funny. then she was so scared. the girl with the doll was also funny. she was lyke swing swing her doll at us . then eliza said her doll very cute then she swing at us. haha. one more. a girl. she was playing with this small drum. then she came to alicia. then we all stood up and look at her. then she shook and and suddeny stop and look at it. then stared at alicia. alicia stared back and she suddenly shouted. we all fell back. and was lyke shocked la. haha. then sihui played with one hooded guy. she dint wanna let go of the spider. haha. she said i want. then she dint wanna give back. HAHA. X)). then we all went arcade. played a game of car racing and time crisis 2. so boring. im so lousy can !! then saw chong yi and his friends. i think ashley and some other. then said hi. then we went back after that. haha. so boring now. gonna play gb now. see yah all. take care !! X)) muackies to my:* kor * sihui * eliza
* alicia * weilong * ziqian
* elaine * shengda * yiru
* yvonne * ivan * liping